Saturday, November 18, 2017

I Take a Photo Break while Dad Rolls up the Hose, and Mom Types the Card.

I am always thinking of other things more creative to do than clean gutters, when I am cleaning gutters.  Enter the Smart Phone.  I have a Samsung Note 4, that I just love, as it has a stylus which can come in handy for a quick sketch.  But I love some of the effects built into the camera, like this fish eye lens effect.  You can use it like a magnifying glass.  This was on the sidewalk that goes up to the front steps of a house that we clean every year in the Fall.  We had been spraying the gutters, and some spray must have gotten on this leaf.  I took a few of these closeups and this was the one I liked best, showing the droplets acting like a myriad fish eye lenses - or actually maybe the opposite - magnifying glasses.  Fall, 2017.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Sketching Perfect Complements - in Pencil.

I went to the local food shelf across from the the local Third Place, the Coffee Cup Restaurant.  This couple seemed the perfect opposite pair - smiling, frowning, awake, restful, White, Black.  This time, I brought my old hackneyed cello from high school along.  A little boy watched the cello with interest for a good part of an hour till it was time for me to leave.  By then he had gathered enough courage to pluck the strings a little.

Drawn using a 2mm lead holder, the little sharpener lets you drop the graphite shavings on the paper and you can rub that around for shading.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Birds Eye View of a Childhood Memory.

The wind was starting to grow colder as Dad and I cleaned the gutters of Ashland Commons, a pair of large white apartment buildings, each with six stucco chimneys.  Below is the Google Earth 3D model view.  "That's Webster School, where I went to Kindergarten through 5th grade," he said.  It was getting cold up there.  That's why we bundle up in these rubber coated 2 piece rain suits.   As the wind picked up, the leaves began to freeze to the bottom of the gutters.  That's why it's always a rush - the leaves only let go when the cold weather is on its way.   Mom, Dad and I took a cookie break at Mississippi Market.  The cookies were still warm.  I had peanut butter cookie.  Mom and Dad had chocolate chip.  I get a kick out of it when my folks eat junk food, as they are so preoccupied with eating healthy, for the most part.  

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Mom's Post-It Dashboard and Dad High Up.

My parents are hard working self-employed people, well into their 70's,  who still love their work, and exemplify the attitude that they would much rather keep working than ever retire.  My Mom suffered a pretty severe stroke in 2016, but it's a year out, and she is back at work, doing all the book work and billing - doing it even though her handwriting isn't what it used to be.

She uses a manual Olivetti typewriter which she brings with her in the big red work van (has several backups) and spiral bound notebooks. Her dashboard post-it system may look a bit haphazard, but - for her - it works.  Their website.

Antler Harpe or Antler Harp...played by Dagan, with a salt shaker slide.

Hi folks, Here is the latest vedsion of my first Antler Harpe , so graciously demonstrated by Dagan, whose talents are many.  On...